Hi. If you read my last blog you'll notice that i finish off nicely. That's because i was rudely interrupted by the poor connection right in the middle of a thought.I wasn't thrilled about this and it's not the first time. Why is the connection here so bad? I can't figure.
But am grateful for whoever built this site did a brilliant job with the instant-automatic-saving- to-draft thing. If not 2hours of strenuous typing(3 pages of my work) should have been lost.
So i just came back to say thank you 2 whoever created that option and i owe you one.
aanyway on my way here i read some interesting facts that i just had to share with my fellow blogmates..:
1.First novel ever written on a typewriter was "Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain.
2.Starfish have eight eyes.One eye at the end of each leg.
3.The Sistine Chapel was named after Pope Sixte IV.
4.Mark Twain didn't graduate from elementary school.
5.Intelligent people have more zinc copper in ther hair.
6.Only animal besides humans that can get sunburnt is the pig.
7. 90% of bird species are monogamous, 3% of mammals are monogamous. (dat explains a lot)
8. 28% of Africa is wildernerness.
9.Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better than men.
10. Coca Cola was originally green.
Weird but interesting stuff rite? I'll be back wit more.I just love discovering new n strange things.
Bye bye lot,see ya in a few.
Watch Moments With Mo. very educative,it got me thinking maybe i could my own show...maybe something like
Idling wit Aidyl or no this is better....Ideal wit Aidyl. EUREKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got2 go,love. stay healthy n in love....doctor's orders.
1love ,aidyl
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